Processing incoming messages

Processing of incoming messages happens in different phases:

Deserializing messages

Incoming messages can be deserialized from byte slices into an MlsMessageIn:

    let mls_message =
        MlsMessageIn::tls_deserialize_exact(bytes).expect("Could not deserialize message.");

If the message is malformed, the function will fail with an error.

Processing messages in groups

In the next step, the message needs to be processed in the context of the corresponding group.

MlsMessageIn can carry all MLS messages, but only PrivateMessageIn and PublicMessageIn are processed in the context of a group. In OpenMLS these two message types are combined into a ProtocolMessage enum. There are 3 ways to extract the messages from an MlsMessageIn:

  1. MlsMessageIn.try_into_protocol_message() returns a Result<ProtocolMessage, ProtocolMessageError>
  2. ProtocolMessage::try_from(m: MlsMessageIn) returns a Result<ProtocolMessage, ProtocolMessageError>
  3. MlsMessageIn.extract() returns an MlsMessageBodyIn enum that has two variants for PrivateMessageIn and PublicMessageIn

MlsGroup.process_message() accepts either a ProtocolMessage, a PrivateMessageIn, or a PublicMessageIn and processes the message. ProtocolMessage.group_id() exposes the group ID that can help the application find the right group.

If the message was encrypted (i.e. if it was a PrivateMessageIn), it will be decrypted automatically. The processing performs all syntactic and semantic validation checks and verifies the message's signature. The function finally returns a ProcessedMessage object if all checks are successful.

    let protocol_message: ProtocolMessage = mls_message
        .expect("Expected a PublicMessage or a PrivateMessage");
    let processed_message = bob_group
        .process_message(provider, protocol_message)
        .expect("Could not process message.");

Interpreting the processed message

In the last step, the message is ready for inspection. The ProcessedMessage obtained in the previous step exposes header fields such as group ID, epoch, sender, and authenticated data. It also exposes the message's content. There are 3 different content types:

Application messages

Application messages simply return the original byte slice:

    if let ProcessedMessageContent::ApplicationMessage(application_message) =
        // Check the message
        assert_eq!(application_message.into_bytes(), b"Hi, I'm Alice!");


Standalone proposals are returned as a QueuedProposal, indicating that they are pending proposals. The proposal can be inspected through the .proposal() function. After inspection, applications should store the pending proposal in the proposal store of the group:

    if let ProcessedMessageContent::ProposalMessage(staged_proposal) =
        // In the case we received an Add Proposal
        if let Proposal::Add(add_proposal) = staged_proposal.proposal() {
            // Check that Bob was added
        } else {
            panic!("Expected an AddProposal.");

        // Check that Alice added Bob
            Sender::Member(member) if *member == alice_group.own_leaf_index()
        // Store proposal
            .store_pending_proposal(, *staged_proposal)

Rolling back proposals

Operations that add a proposal to the proposal store, will return its reference. This reference can be used to remove a proposal from the proposal store. This can be useful for example to roll back in case of errors.

    let (_mls_message_out, proposal_ref) = alice_group
        .expect("Could not create proposal to add Bob");
        .remove_pending_proposal(, &proposal_ref)
        .expect("The proposal was not found");

Commit messages

Commit messages are returned as StagedCommit objects. The proposals they cover can be inspected through different functions, depending on the proposal type. After the application has inspected the StagedCommit and approved all the proposals it covers, the StagedCommit can be merged in the current group state by calling the .merge_staged_commit() function. For more details, see the StagedCommit documentation.

    if let ProcessedMessageContent::StagedCommitMessage(staged_commit) =
        // We expect a remove proposal
        let remove = staged_commit
            .expect("Expected a proposal.");
        // Check that Bob was removed
        // Check that Charlie removed Bob
            Sender::Member(member) if *member == charlies_leaf_index
        // Merge staged commit
            .merge_staged_commit(provider, *staged_commit)
            .expect("Error merging staged commit.");

Interpreting remove operations

Remove operations can have different meanings, such as:

  • We left the group (by our own wish)
  • We were removed from the group (by another member or a pre-configured sender)
  • We removed another member from the group
  • Another member left the group (by their own wish)
  • Another member was removed from the group (by a member or a pre-configured sender, but not by us)

Since all remove operations only appear as a QueuedRemoveProposal, the RemoveOperation enum can be constructed from the remove proposal and the current group state to reflect the scenarios listed above.

    if let ProcessedMessageContent::StagedCommitMessage(staged_commit) =
        let remove_proposal = staged_commit
            .expect("An unexpected error occurred.");

        // We construct a RemoveOperation enum to help us interpret the remove operation
        let remove_operation = RemoveOperation::new(remove_proposal, &bob_group)
            .expect("An unexpected Error occurred.");

        match remove_operation {
            RemoveOperation::WeLeft => unreachable!(),
            // We expect this variant, since Bob was removed by Charlie
            RemoveOperation::WeWereRemovedBy(member) => {
                assert!(matches!(member, Sender::Member(member) if member == charlies_leaf_index));
            RemoveOperation::TheyLeft(_) => unreachable!(),
            RemoveOperation::TheyWereRemovedBy(_) => unreachable!(),
            RemoveOperation::WeRemovedThem(_) => unreachable!(),

        // Merge staged Commit
            .merge_staged_commit(provider, *staged_commit)
            .expect("Error merging staged commit.");
    } else {
        unreachable!("Expected a StagedCommit.");